League Info Tournaments and Stats.

Killeen Billiards Association, KBA, uses a Round Robin Format of play that allows each member of your team to play each member of the opposing team one game.

KBA utilizes Fargo Rating Handicapping effective the first session of the 2021 calendar year. If you are a new player and have played in either NAPA or APA locally, just let us know what you were rated at. If you have never shot in league play before, you will be brought in as a 525.

Players are awarded 10 points for a win and 1 point for each of their ball group that was pocketed, regardless of who pocketed it.

The scoresheet tells who breaks in each game. Scoring is simple since you are just waiting for the end result of the game and then score, no keeping up with innings or defensive shots.

Players are awarded Cash Money each Session for the most Break -n-Runs, most Rack -n- Runs, most Perfect Scores, most Consecutive Wins and the Highest Average for the Ladies and overall.

KBA Singles Divisions

This division will be using the FargoRate HOT race charts and will be played by KBA league rules. This division is BCAPL Sanctioned only with $10 weekly dues and Green Fees will be listed below. It will pay back 80% to the top 25% of the field, rounded up. Contact Jeff Wells at (254)394-4753 if interested.

Listed below are the current and upcoming Divisions, click on the link that you would like to review.

KBA Vegas Bound Divisions

We are looking to start a Division where we guarantee that one team will win travel, lodging and entry into the BCAPL Nationals for every 8-team division. If you are a team or just a player wanting to join this division,view our flyer and then text Jeff Wells if interested at (254)394-4753. We would be happy to get this division going for you.

Links of Interest

  • Daily Pool & Billiard Magazine
  • Setting up the Fargo Rating App and the BCAPL Scoring App.
  • Improving the most important shot of the game.
  • Upcoming Sanctioned Tournament

  • 2025 BCAPL Nationals - State - Bad Boys
  • 2025 ACS Nationals - State - Midwest
  • View Sanctioned Tournament Brackets/Results

    League Management System By-Laws